2018 Presentations


Title Presenter Presentation
Academic Libraries in a digital, global world Masud Khokhar Recording
“Pillars in the Mist” : supporting effective decision-making with statistical analysis of SUSHI and COUNTER usage reports Aleksandra Petrovic Recording
Alma plus JUSP Julie Wright Recording
EZproxy logs : proactive security breach management and rich access metrics Linda Farrell Recording
Ex Libris company update Bar Veinstein Recording
Ex Libris product presentation Oren Beit-Arie
Ex Libris Q&A session Nir Sherwinter Recording
Primo out of the box : making the box work for you Stacey Van Groll Recording
Optimising workflows and utilising Alma APIs to manage our Institutional Repository in Alma Digital Kate Sergeant Recording
The state of authorities at the State Library of New South Wales Lynne Billington Presentation
Authorities and identifiers at the National Library of New Zealand Catherine Amey Presentation
The future of authorities and identifiers in national and international data sources & ROI Jenny Klinger Presentation
Resource sharing partner synchronisation Nishen Naidoo Presentation
IGeLU update Dave Allen Presentation
Voyager Product Working Group Dave Allen Presentation
Rosetta Product Working group Dave Allen Presentation
Linked Open Data Special Interest Working Group Ebe Kartus Presentation
Primo Product Working Group Annette Schryver Presentation
Alma Product Working Group Megan Lee Presentation
Leganto Product Working Group Sue Harmer Presentation
Interoperability Special Interest Working Group Nishen Naidoo Presentation
Analytics Special Interest Working Group Peta Hopkins Presentation
ELUNA 2018 feedback Ebe Kartus
Sue Harmer
ANZREG Committee Chair’s reports Megan Lee Presentation
Working together : eReserve, Alma-D and Leganto Anna Clatworthy Presentation
Leganto at Macquarie University : impressions, adjustments and improvements Kendall Kousek Presentation
Automating systematic reviews with library systems : Are Primo and Alma APIs a pain reliever? Peta Hopkins Presentation
Resource wrangling : An implementation of Primo Resource Recommender service at State Library Victoria Marcus Ferguson Presentation

Best Practice Day

Title Presenter Presentation
Finding out what makes people ‘click’: Tracking Alma notification letters with Google Analytics campaigns Sabrina Alvaro
Justin Lane
GOBI and E-book Central Api integration with Alma Tony Abela Presentation
Primo BE & Primo VE. Discussion about how same maintenance / development work would be done in Primo BO and in Primo VE Stacey van Groll
Margie Pembroke
Lorraine Ackroyd
Amelia Rowe
Matthew Hooper
Leganto round table session Alison Neil Presentation
Normalization rules Sharron Zuodar Presentation
Normalisation rules Chris Sloan Presentation
Ways to enage : how to make the most of Idea Exchange, NERS, Knowledge Center, Developer Network, Salesforce, Listservs, etc Helen Loosli
Sue Harmer
Jenny Quilliam

Developers’ Day

Title Presenter Presentation
Digital Strategy and Skills Development – A Balancing Act Masud Khokhar Presentation
Setting up and configuring the Resource Sharing Partner Synchronisation Nishen Naidoo Recording
The Alma Course API – An Exercise in Course Integration David Lewis Recording
Lincoln’s use of Alma APIs Deborah Fitchett
Automatic system alerts on Primo : or, How to respond to a system outage in your sleep Deborah Fitchett Recording
How to work with EZproxy logs in Splunk. Why; how; who Linda Farrell Recording
Working with Tableau, Alma, Primo and Leganto Sabrina Alvaro Recording
Keeping track of system interdependencies – how to do it and value to the organisation of this work Deborah Fitchett
Nishen Naidoo
Automation and integration – using Ex Libris APIs Peter Brotherton Recording

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