2021 – That’s a wrap

November 30, 2021

Well that was fun! We weren’t sure there would be much interest in a Zoom networking event after the hours we have all spent web conferencing in the last couple of years, but over 50 of our members joined in for a knowledge sharing session today. As advertised, this session was not recorded.

Poll of attendees acknowledging country.

Stacey van Groll (ANZREG chair) gave an update on what the ANZREG Committee has been working on this year (pdf), and flagged that there will be openings for new committee members coming soon. If you are interested in volunteering, feel free to contact one of the members to learn more about what is involved. We also recommend discussing with your managers – you really need institutional support.

Amelia Rowe (ANZREG chair-elect) thanked members of the ANZREG community who are currently working in the international arena on IGELU working and interest groups, for advocating on behalf of the community. Big thanks to all of them for attending meetings at unusual hours and championing product improvements.

We then heard from community members who shared what they have been working on this year. From Wikipedia citation formats for Primo to artificial intelligence working on digital objects in Rosetta, there were some cool ideas and common experiences – like keeping track of all the interrelated systems!

In the Ideas Pitch session, Amelia explained how the Ideas Exchange and NERS requests operate and what can be expected from each of these processes. Once again we heard from the community about ideas they would like us to support (votes, comments, use cases) in the ideas exchange, or a call for collaborators on developing a NERS idea.

Check out the padlet where we shared pet photos, window views and snacks along with some of the idea exchange links. Hint hint, check out the ideas and consider voting or sharing a use case to support them.

Attendees shared their biggest memories of 2021…

Lots of changes to configurations
Resource Sharing
Extending due dates – again and again
AlmaD and Leganto!
Training staff in Rosetta
Cloudapps event
Moving to the Primo Database Guide
undoing some of the fulfilment rules coming back to campus, RapidILL yay!
Moving from a Primo VE institution to a Primo BO one! and the actual move itself!
Rapido all day every day
A snap lockdown that lasted for 4.5 months.
Going live with Collection Discovery
Rolling out Leganto and lecturers being actively enthusiastic about it!
Making new friends from another library via Hackathon
ALMA 🙂 post migration
Implementing Rialto

We also played Bingo!

Digital bingo

And we asked them for topic suggestions for next year’s event..

sharing current projects, integrations
digital resources, system integrations
CDI, workflows
How is new Chat support going ?  Tips & tricks

If you have any other suggestions for next year’s events please let us know via the Committee email (anzreg.committee (at)gmail.com

Best wishes for 2022

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