Constitution and By-Laws
Constitution of Australia New Zealand Regional Ex Libris Group Ltd
Registered under the Corporations Act 2001
Dated 16 January 2018
Document (pdf – 31 pages)
Proposed Changes to By-Laws 2024
The Committee will be seeking a vote to update the ANZREG By-Laws for 2024. The proposed changes can be found in the documentation, and are focused on simplifying the internal structure of the committee to allow flexibility, as well as providing some clarity to roles. The Secretary was officially notified of the intention to update the by-laws in late May, as per the current requirements.
(Endorsed at ANZREG 2019 Conference)
Purpose of the organization
ANZREG is a volunteer organisation, with members drawn from Ex Libris product users based in Australia and New Zealand. The purpose of the committee is to:
- Provide a community of practice for Ex Libris customers based primarily in Australia and New Zealand, to share knowledge, exchange ideas and develop regional priorities in relation to Ex Libris applications and services
- Showcase Ex Libris application best practice workflows or innovative user community developments to the Australian and New Zealand user community, through the ANZREG conference, best practice days, developer days, user seminars and other events
- Nominate representatives from the Ex Libris Australian and New Zealand user community, to participate in, and report on, the activities of IGeLU Working Groups, Special Interest Working Groups and advocacy groups, with specific focus on regional issues
- Develop and support active networks within the international Ex Libris user community, to showcase the achievements of the ANZREG community and to learn from the wider user community
Any individual affiliated with a New Zealand or Australian institution using one or more Ex Libris products is automatically eligible to:
- Become an ANZREG member.
- Attend ANZREG meetings and training events.
- Stand for election to ANZREG committees.
- Serve as an ANZREG officer.
- Provide a free community of practice for APAC Ex Libris customers to share knowledge, exchange ideas and develop regional priorities in relation to Ex Libris applications and services
- Host website / Maintain ANZREG-L email discussion list and website
- Provide conference, best practice and product training days
- Maintain a consolidated list of Salesforce case responses by Ex Libris that are unsatisfactory by time / relevance / understanding / providing adequate resolution
- Showcase Ex Libris application best practice workflows or innovative user community developments to the APAC user community
- Develop engaging, even controversial Conference programs, to ensure conference participation number remain high and that attendees are excited and inspired by conference program and events
- Establish and maintain a timely and relevant seminar program, which references the best of national and international Ex Libris user conference sessions, to promote application best practice workflows or innovative use of Ex Libris application
- Create an annual ANZREG calendar of events, to enable the committee to:
- Plan activities across 12 months to manage available resources
- To be sure activities are designed to progress identified goals
- Work around other major events in professional calendars
- Participate in and report back on the activities of Ex Libris working groups, Special Interest Working groups and Advocacy groups, with specific focus on regional issues
- By participation in Ex Libris working group initiatives, SIWGs or advocacy groups, be aware of new product initiatives and report this information to the ANZREG community
- Maintain a log of all Ex Libris hosted product down-times or failures to meet reasonable system speeds
- Develop and support active networks within the international Ex Libris user community, to showcase the achievements of Ex Libris APAC users and to learn from and with the wider Ex Libris user community
- Develop profile within the international Ex Libris user community, by participating in national and international conferences
- ANZREG / Ex Libris Conference participation sponsorship program
Evaluation & improvement
All events undertaken by the committee will include planned evaluation tools, for the committee and the community to use to assess the ROI of each event. Over time this data will allow the committee to refine staged events and identify areas of growth for new events
Committee roles
ANZREG Committee is elected from the membership. It will solicit volunteers and elect its own officers after membership is established. These positions may be filled from within the committee or from the ANZREG community. Positions are as follows:
- Serves as primary contact with Ex Libris, IGeLU, ELUNA and other national and international user groups
- Responsible for convening meetings, setting and distributing agendas
- The chair will serve for a two year term
- Arranges a quarterly meeting with Ex Libris liaisons to advocate for ANZREG community interests
Deputy Chair/Chair Elect
- Deputise for Chair as required
- Assists with convening meetings, setting and distributing agendas
- Deputy chair is a two-year position. The deputy chair will succeed the sitting chair
- Responsible for ANZREG membership and approval of ANZREG-L list membership requests
- Participates in a quarterly meeting with Ex Libris liaisons to advocate for ANZREG community interests
Financial Officer
- Responsible for developing and managing budgets for events with significant expenditures, eg ANZREG conference
- Responsible for managing ANZREG income, including conference bookings and payment
- Responsible for meeting all ANZREG financial reporting requirements, including incorporated company reporting
Program Coordinator
- Manages the annual calendar of events, e.g. conference, best practice days, seminars etc, to showcase new product functionality or innovative use of Ex Libris products
- Manages the design and implementation of post event evaluation tools such as surveys, metrics consolidation and reporting, to allow the Committee to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of ANZREG activities
Communications Officer
- Responsible for Committee meeting minutes
- Prepare information about upcoming events for publication
- Prepare monthly meeting summaries for publication to ANZREG website
- Communicates post event qualitative and quantitative survey data to the ANZREG community via email and website
Web Manager
- Posts content for the ANZREG community onto the ANZREG websites
- Develop relationships with IGeLU & ELUNA web managers to share content, posting IGeLU or ELUNA content to ANZREG website where this content may have value for ANZREG members or raise ANZREG’s profile through posting ANZREG web page content on IGeLU & ELUNA websites where this content may have value for IGeLU & ELUNA members
- Manages ANZREG-L lists
Conference Organiser
Filled annually by conference venue organiser and is not necessarily ANZREG committee member.
- Attend ANZREG Committee meetings during the conference planning stage
- Responsible for organising Conference venue, facilities and equipment
- Coordinate conference catering, signage and name tags
- Recording conference presentations to be available for download by ANZREG members via website
- Streaming conference presentations to provide access for all ANZREG members
- Nominate local accommodation venue for the conference that the committee can liaise with to provide conference participants with discounted accommodation
General roles who will learn / support one of the named roles
- Actively participate in ANZREG Committee meetings
- Regularly volunteer to lead or participate in events initiated by the Committee or the community
- Volunteer to fill roles such as Chair, Deputy Chair/Chair Elect, Program Coordinator, Financial Officer, Communications Office, Web Manager or Conference Organiser
Election process
- The ANZREG Committee has between five and ten members, with at least two representatives from both Australia and New Zealand
- Elections will occur every second year for half the positions on the committee
- Current members may run for re-election as often as they desire
- The committee will solicit nominations for elections via email and the ANZREG website
- Advance candidates will submit a short biography no later than two weeks before the annual election
- Elections will be held via email
- The committee will post the election results, including effective date of each member’s term, on the ANZREG web pages
- Adding Committee members by invitation: The Committee may, at times, identify the need to invite a current ANZREG member with specific skills or background to join the ANZREG Committee, to address an identified need. This may include, but is not limited to, the ability to represent a specific Library sector or geographic region. In this situation, the appointment of these committee members will be advertised at the next ANZREG General Meeting and the ANZREG Chair will seek endorsement of these appointments through a show of hands
- If a member leaves the group during their term and has more than four months to serve, the committee will solicit an ANZREG Committee member to fill this position
- If a member leaves the group during their term and has four or fewer months left to serve, the position will remain vacant until the next election
Meetings: how meetings are conducted
Scheduling meetings
- The annual general meeting is held once a year, generally as part of the annual ANZREG conference
- Each institution will have one vote in any ballot. Voting may occur at meetings or electronically
- The committee meets fortnightly via video conference
- Meetings are subject to cancellation depending on agenda or other extenuating circumstances
Setting agenda and recording actions and decisions
- ANZREG Committee meeting summaries will be posted once a month to the ANZREG website
Bylaw amendments
Amendments to the committee bylaws can be submitted annually.
All proposed amendments must be submitted, in writing, to the ANZREG Secretary
Proposed amendments will be posted to the web site one month in advance of the annual ANZREG Conference
Proposed amendments must be endorsed by at least two-thirds of the member institutions
Other relevant documents
Constitution of Australia New Zealand Regional Ex Libris Group Ltd (pdf-31 pages)