Best Practice Day

Date: 1 June 2018

Venue: University of South Australia City West Campus, Hawke Building, Bradley Forum, Level 5

Resources available: presentations


09:00 Registration
09:30 Finding out what makes people ‘click’: Tracking Alma notification letters with Google Analytics campaigns
Sabrina Alvaro & Justin Lane, UNSW
10:15 GOBI and E-book Central Api integration with Alma
Tony Abela, University South Australia
11:00 Break
11:15 Primo BE & Primo VE. Discssion about how same maintenance / development work would be done in Primo BO and in Primo VE
Panel : Stacey van Groll, Margie Pembroke, Lorraine Ackroyd & Amelia Rowe
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Leganto round table session
Alison Neil, UNSW
14:15 Using Alma Normalisation rules & processes
University South Australia
15:00 Break
15:15 NERS, Ideas exchange – what’s the best way to promote customer driven product development?
Sue Harmer, UNSW
15:45 Best Practice Day Close

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