Introduction to User Experience | Human Centred DesignAlex Daly (UNSW) presents Introduction to User Experience | Human Centred Design

Josh Weisman (Ex Libris) introduces the Alma Cloud Apps Style Guide.
February 2021Recording
Alma Cloud Apps HackathonPeta Hopkins, introduces the Hackathon Teams to present their appsMarch 2021Recording
Participants reflect on the Alma Cloud Apps HackathonHugh Rundle (La Trobe),
Patricia Farnan (Notre Dame),
Jessie Donaghey (Bond),
Andrew Press (Charles Sturt)
May 2021Recording
Resource Sharing mini-conferenceSee belowOctober 2021See below
End of Year Wrap UpANZREG Committee and community membersNovember 2021Summary

Resource Sharing mini-conference (7 October 2021)

This webinar was hosted by Rachel Salby (La Trobe University)

Playlist of all recordings is available from the ANZREG Youtube channel


Peta Hopkins

Manager, Digital Library Services

Peta leads the Digital Library Services Team at Bond University. The team is responsible for administration of the library's technology and supports other Library teams with innovating business processes.

RapidILL and Rapido : innovation, metrics, process

In 2019, Bond University Library made the bold move to set "Expand Beyond the Library" as the default search scope for most of the year resulting in a significant increase in Resource Sharing requests. Find out how RapidILL and later Rapido has subsequently helped us aim for a return of increased requesting. Some analytics reports will be demonstrated to show how these changes have impacted on the nature of work for our customer services team.

Recording ||

Margarita Moreno

Director Trove Outreach, National Library of Australia

Up to date with OAI-PMH Daily Update

In 2019/2020, the National Library commenced a program to review the organisation with a view to develop capabilities that better fit our changing environment. Staff who had previously worked in separate teams servicing either Trove or the ANBD came together to form a single new “Data and Platforms” section. That sharing of capabilities and system knowledge sparked a change in approach that is re-shaping how libraries contribute data to the ANBD. Keeping holdings up to date is a challenge for all libraries, particularly with the limited methods made available for contributing to the ANBD which required technical expertise, time and the right system to share data. Yet accurate holdings are crucial to making ILL/DD efficient and minimising time wasted. Since the first pilot OAI-PMH Daily Update site in December 2019 there are now 147 libraries, almost all of them in the public library sector, daily syncing with the ANBD. New holdings are added, weeded collections items are removed, all automatically and all within 24 hours of the change in the library's own ILMS. Libraries who previously contributed sporadically or not at all, whose holdings data was up to 10 years out of date, are now the most up to date libraries on the ANBD and are some of the best placed to support efficient resource sharing.


Thomas Girke

Senior Manager CSIRO Library Services.

Thomas leads the Information Resources team at CSIRO. The team is responsible for collection management and selection, metadata management, library systems and the document delivery service.

Rapido in production

In March 2021 CSIRO became the first organisation globally to go live with Rapido. This session will demonstrate Rapido in a production environment both from a user and library perspective. The session will highlight features in Rapido compared to Alma Resource Sharing.

Recording || Slides

Jeff Cruz

Associate Director Site Services, University of Sydney

In media res: “In the middle” of implementing Rapido and RapidILL

The University of Sydney Library kicked off its Rapido/RapidILL implementation this month (September 2021), after having moved to Alma Resource Sharing over two years ago. Learn more about why we’re moving to Rapido and get an overview of the planning going into our implementation project currently underway.

Recording || Slides

Judith Fraenkel

Director of Product Management, Ex Libris

In conversation with our presenters.

The Future of Resource Sharing Now: Ex Libris Rapido

During this session we will be covering the current landscape of resource sharing with a focus on regional needs and future needs. We will be covering how Rapido enables you to maintain and enrich your interlibrary loan networks and ecosystems. In addition, we will be answering questions by the audience.

Recording. Also includes the Questions and Answers session with previous presenters. || Slides

Jessie Donaghey

Jessie Donaghey is the Digital Services Librarian at Bond University. Jessie led the implementation of the Alma Resource Sharing module at Bond in 2016 and Rapido in 2021.

User Design and Focus

Bond University went live with Rapido in July this year. Before the launch, opportunity arose to run a focus group with the Bond community to gather feedback on our Document Delivery service and the approaching changes coming with the implementation of Rapido. This presentation will provide an overview of findings from the user feedback activities and an innovation using Qualtrics.

Recording || Slides

Questions & Answers

Download the PDF of questions and answers. Questions which were answered live have timestamped links to the recording.

Word Cloud of attendees locations
Attendees locations for the Resource Sharing Webinar

Affiliated websites