ANZREG Seminar

Date: Friday 6 February 2015

Venue: Tyree Room, Scientia Building, UNSW (Library Walk, Gate 11, Botany Street)
Cost: AUD$75 for Australian delegates; AUD$70 for NZ delegates

9:00 am Registration
9:30 am Introductions and Housekeeping
9:35 am Keynote speaker: Mitchell Whitelaw

A Thousand Front Ends – Interfaces, Encounters and Digital Collections
Interfaces play a critical role in our experience of digital cultural collections; but can we expect one interface to serve all purposes? This talk argues that our digital collections can benefit from interfaces to suit different audiences, contexts and interests. Case studies in generous, playful, poetic and generative interfaces illustrate some of the creative opportunities and the technical (and organisational) challenges involved.

10:30 am Morning tea
11:00 am ANZREG Community update
ANZREG: Helen Brownlie
IGeLU : Dave Allen

Product Working Groups
– – Primo and MetaLib PWG: Bronwyn King
– – Alma PWG: Helen Loosli

11:45 am Ex Libris Update
– Ziv BenZvi, VP Asia Pacific
– Adi Fubini, Support Manager
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Alma change management and its affect on workflows : panel discussion

Margaret Colmer (University of Adelaide)
Greg Shute (RMIT University)

Electronic resource management
Debbie Storz (Swinburne University of Technology)
Phillippa Stott (University of Western Sydney)

System administrators/administration
Fiona Burton (Macquarie University)
Jenny Quilliam (University of South Australia)

2:30 pm Community presentations

Alma integration with Libraries Australia
Chris Sloan (University of Adelaide)

UNSW Alma license condition : providing better user experience
Derek Chen (UNSW)

Legal deposit in Alma
Careen Dunbar (State Library of Queensland)

3:30 pm Afternoon tea
3:45 pm Community presentations continued

Deep links in Primo
Alan Manifold (State Library of Victoria

Selected Primo enhancements
Colin Meikle (Curtin University)

Alma analaytics working group
Ramil Alvarez (UNSW)

Real time acquisitions: Alma and the Gobi API
Jenny Quilliam (University of South Australia)

Alma invoices for Finance One
Laszlo Gercsov (Macquarie University)

Patron management with Alma
Nishen Naidoo (Macquarie University)

Using Alma APIs to create new patron accounts
Dave Allen (State Library of Queensland)

5:00pm Close

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